Monday, August 13, 2007

Tag! You're it!

My sister-in-law Amy tagged me to answer these questions. So here goes!

Jobs I've held:
1. Ice Cream scooper (Hey, me too Amy! At the BYU-Hawaii Seasider though)
2. PowerQuest (Software Company) TSR (Phone lady, not quite customer service, not quite technical support, we registered their products, and collected information. boring)
3. Computer Technician - Isis Pharmaceuticals
5. professional eBay lady.

Movies I can watch again and again:
1. Garden State
2. Hope Floats
3. Top Gun
4. Far & Away
5. Practical Magic

Guilty Pleasures:
1. Dollar Store purchases
2. Cheese
3. Chocolate
4. N'Sync

Places I've lived:
1. Hawaii
2. California
3. Utah
4. Ontario, Canada
5. Connecticut for a month, and Buffalo for a month

TV Shows I enjoy:
1. Desperate Housewives
2. Men in Trees
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. ER
5. Friends (I could watch these ANY time)

What were likely the first things you thought when you saw best friend for the first time?

1. I don't know if I really *TRULY* have someone who considers lil' old ME their BEST friend still... But probably the one thing that ran through my mind was "thank goodness she likes me!"

Some of the places I've been on vacation:
1. er... Utah
2. Southern Cali
3. Las Vegas (WOOHOO!)
4. I dunno, I need more vacations.

Websites I visit daily:
4. and ALL my "blogs I read" links.
5. Banking/CC/Financial sites.

Favorite foods:
1. Hubby's creations (He never uses recipies, he just cooks! It always is so yummy!)
2. Most Mexican dishes rock my socks.
3. Put a potato in anything and I love it. (Perogies, Fries, Poutine, tots, you name it)
4. And we can't forget the Ice Cream category. ;) I love them all, but not so much mocha stuff. yuk.

Body parts I have injured:
I have a few scars. 2 on my face, a few on my knees, and of course, where my toe nearly fell off.

Nicknames I've had:
Belly, Bellica, Maren-mickell (Those are by my dad only, usually). In 9th grade, our History teacher made each of us create anagrams for our names, and my lovely classmates came up with "The Shy Smelli" Using my first and last names at the time. The whole year I was called Smelli, and I seemed to be ok with it. Maybe that contributed to my somewhat low self-esteem back then (or my current obsession with Secret deoderant? not sure). *sigh*

My husband calls me donkey, and I call him honky.

Your turn. I tag:
1. Jamie (she only has to do it once though, since Amy tagged her too. This is probably cheating on my part, but I don't know too many people. :) )
2. Hayley
3. Holly
4. Jessica (post it on facebook!)
5. Michelle

Who tagged me: Amy


Hayley said...

oh crap, i see my name on that list. what's the consequence if i don't do it??!?

Maren said...

10 lashings with a wet noodle? No dessert for 8 years? You can decide the punishment. ;)

Holly O. said...

A house with no AC is her punishment!!!

Unknown said...

i love reading these! far & away is one of my fave movies, too. good stuff! and yep, hop to, more vacations! wait, since you LIVED in hawaii, maybe you're maxed out. no vacations for life for you, lucky duck.