Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Congratulations Brandi & George!

My sister in law (DH's sister) had her baby this morning at 6:40am, she got to the hospital at 6:25, and was in labor for a whole 15 minutes! She had a baby girl, so now I get to be Auntie Shelley to TWO baby girls this year! (Paula (my sister) is having a girl in Mid June!)

Apparently the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby's neck, and her lungs were full of fluid... I'll post updates as we get them. She hasn't settled on a name for sure yet, but they like Madisyn River R. I'm sure she's going to be beautiful though. Not sure how much she weighs either, they took her to the NICU right away.

Let's hope nothing is too serious! They told Brandi that the baby is ok! I really hope so. I'm glad I don't have to keep calling it "it" or "your baby" or "the baby" it's a GIRL! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How strange - my sister in law had a baby on May 1 at 6:30 am as well! Contrats to Auntie Shelley and to me (Auntie Jess) - they had a girl too :)
I hope everything is going ok...