Thursday, March 22, 2007

I made Spaghetti Sauce!

I'm becoming a good cook! (Well, good enough!) I haven't killed anyone or anything with my cooking yet either. I made a lovely spaghetti sauce from almost scratch last night, and I'm quite looking forward to leftovers tonight... even though its 9pm lol and I haven't started making them yet.

Anyway, I browned some ground beef, cooked it with onions, and put it in the crock pot. I then added 3 jars of spaghetti sauce, 2 green peppers, 1 red pepper (super cheap at the market!), mushrooms, Hubby added some spices... I added a few cloves of garlic, and some celery seed (Celery is unusually expensive right now, I suppose we can thank the California frosts from last fall for that). Then I added some special ingredients... some grated carrot, and brown sugar, totally amazing. I let it cook basically all day, on high for maybe 3 hours, and on low & the "keep warm" setting for about 3-4 hours. We then made some garlic bread, and had a lovely meal. We get to have it again tonight! Woohoo! We had grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch, and we ate kind of a lot of it, so I'm still full a little from that, so that's the excuse for tonight's late dinner... I dunno what the excuse is for all the other late night dinners we eat... It happens a lot in our house though.

Anyway, I'm just proud of myself.

The End.

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