Hayley, Holly, and a few of their friends have posted 7 things others may not know about them. So, I figure, rather than fret about mail I haven't received, and rather than play Desktop Tower Defense, or play with my fishies, I'll post *my* 7 little things... just as soon as I can think of them all.
1) I had eczema on my feet as a child. like really bad. They would crack and peel, I'd have to soak them nearly nightly, put some kind of cream on them (My favorite was this stuff called "Happy Feet" which we seemed to only be able to get from my dad's dad, Gramps.) And then put socks on, which would explain why it's hard for me to go to bed without wearing socks. For some reason, when I was in college, it seemed to clear up completely, for the first time, I had smooth feet, and it was awesome. :) In fact, a friend that had been in my elementary school classes, asked me if I was allergic to the rubber slippers worn in Hawaii, because he noticed my feet were always dry, peeling, and cracking. Later I found out he had a HUGE crush on me and would notice something grodie like that. I was such a nerd in 3rd grade. see?
This pic is actually 2nd grade, no idea where my 3rd grade picture is. look at that dorky hair cut. lol ...anyway...
2. I often wonder why I don't have diabetes. I am a sweet FREAK. I like NEED to have sugar. I think I'd die without it. It's insane. I used to eat sugar cubes, sugar packets, whatever... Now I just buy candy and hide it. I'm also amazed I'm not 800 lbs. While I am a little heavier than I'd like, all this walking I've been doing without my car, has allowed me to lose at least a pants size. And I can take my jeans off and pull them on without undoing the snap. Yes, I need new jeans. Maybe I'll get some in Utah in 2 weeks (or less!). If I had to give up sugar, I think I'd die.
3. I've recently learned that I can't handle being a hostess to more than 4 other people at a time. My husband was planning a HUGE BBQ for Canada Day, and kept inviting people over. more and more and MORE. At one point we had 10 people PLUS us invited over, and the worst thing was, he said "You bring the fireworks, I'll provide the beer." These are like, his parents' friends from the bar... while they're good people, they'd drink us out of house and home. This in a month where our rent was 10 days late. ANYWAY, I had a HUGE anxiety attack the Thursday before Canada Day, and I could not handle the stress of it all. It was ugly. I totally freaked out. The BBQ was cancelled, my husband was disappointed (in me mostly), but we've moved on, and I'm back to "normal" now. But I hate being a hostess. I'm terrible at it. bleh!
4. I didn't have a first boyfriend (if you could call him that) till I was 18. And like the Bon Jovi song says... Our very first kiss WAS our first kiss goodbye... he kind of stopped calling me as much, and we hung out WAY less than we did the 5 months before that... I still wrote to him on his mission and kept in touch for 2 years... when he came back he married my neighbor. Not that I was expecting him to marry me, I just didn't think she was his type. :| Yes, I have deep-seeded issues. Many issues. Also, like Holly, the number of guys I've kissed fits on 1 hand. And I shouldn't have kissed 2 of them. lol moving on...
5. Holly's braces post reminded me of my horrid past with my teeth. When I was 22 or 12, the dentist figured that I needed to have 2 teeth pulled, otherwise I'd end up with a snaggle tooth (thank HEAVEN he realized that! I hate snaggle teeth!) Anyway, the one on the right side of me found the airport, and grew in as it should... the other one... not so much. That single tooth has caused me SO much pain, anguish, and tears in my life. yes, tears. I've had oral surgery on it at least 3 times... They had to go up into my gums (where the new tooth was) wrap a wire around it, and leave the end hanging down like a hook. They put braces on me, and gently (ok, not so gently) tightened it weekly, and over the course of a year and a half or so, they had pulled that sucker into place. I think I ate a LOT of milkshakes those years. I could barely bite anything on that side of my mouth. BUT my teeth are straight now, No idea where my retainer is though. I remember I cracked it once, and they had to fix it. it was hideous, and thick after that. I think its in Utah.
Oh, and last year, I had to get a root canal on that darn tooth. My poor kids. They're going to have the same teeth issues, AND a big huge gap (like my husband has, and like I had before the braces... My dad and brother have it too.) They'll be like David Letterman kids. *sigh* I need a trust fund set up just for their teeth issues i think.
6. I don't like pickles. Vinegar is gross. I use it as a cleaning product, not something to eat. I had the same aversion to Mustard too, but that is slowly going away. Odd, because when I was a kid, I used to get a pickle on a fork and eat it. I loved relish too. Hotdogs weren't complete without relish. Now, I don't like it. My husband's "cure all" for every illness is what he calls "ACV". "Drink some ACV Shelley, you'll be fine." I have. I nearly horked. ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar. Lemme tell ya, it tastes NOTHING like Apple Cider. bleh!
7. I adored cats/kittens when I was a kid. I had posters, wall calenders, stickers, you name it. I finally conned my mom into letting me have a kitten, and we got one. She was an all black cat, we named her Panther. (At least, I think she was a she). She was a garage/outside cat. I don't think I had my allergies yet... and even if I did, a cat dander allergy wasn't at the top of the list. Anyway, she couldn't have been older than 12 weeks, when a neighbor across the street said she thought she found out kitten, dead, on the side of the road in front of her house. I remember it vividly. My dad got the shovel, scooped her up, and solemnly took her to the back yard to bury her. It was so sad. I shouldn't have looked, but I did, and I remember it so vividly. Horrible.
Then in High School, I put a cat out of its misery. The car in front of me had hit it first, and it came spinning out from behind their car, and I heard a thud when it got near my muffler area. I knew it was dead. It was at night, we had a study session at the school, and of course, it happened right in front of the school. I told one or two people, they asked why I was so shaken up at the study group. The next day, they had nicknamed my car "anikill" the Animal Killer. horrible. Since then, it seems, by no fault of my own, that animals seem to flock to my car like magnets. With that same car, I'd hit a mongoose, and a bird. With other cars, there have been issues with another bird, and an opossum. Its horrible. I honestly can't help it. I don't do it on purpose either. Issues. That's only the surface of the issues.
I guess it'd be unfair to put an 8th thing, but doing these reminds me of a good quote. From the original Psycho. Norman Bates says "We all go a little mad sometimes. Haven't you?" Yeah huh! I'm a little mad a lot of times, actually. It's kind of appropriate for these 7 things.
The end.
Friday, July 20, 2007
7 things about me...
Posted by
10:33 AM
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hehe. you still a fan of cats? oh boy! i'll have to see if we can still be friends or not!
Not sure. I hate most cats I see. There's this mangey beast stray cat and every time I see it I throw rocks and hiss at it. The only cat I "like" is our Sasha cat. I don't know what's wrong with me.
Your 7 things are funny. Glad to know there is someone out there who hasn't kissed lots of boy!
Boys have cooties. ;)
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