Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New Banner!

I'd just like to thank Natalie for my new banner! I had to change my layout from the browns to the red/oranges, but I think its a MUCH better color scheme!

Thanks Natalie! For those of you who don't know, she has Free Banner Fridays now, and all you have to do is put a teensy little comment in THIS POST! THEN Maybe... just maybe you'll feel as lucky as I do right now!

Isn't it awesome? I love it! YAY! *\o/*


Jan said...

It looks awesome! Love the Hawaiian Canadian combination (being Canadian myself!) Love it.

Maren said...

Thank you! Your daughter did an awesome job on it for me! (Much better than my febel attempt at mixing the two anyway!) Yay Canadians!

Hayley said...

that is awesome! i love that banner! great color scheme!!!

Hayley said...

and i love the flowers. ey?

Jori said...

What a a fun banner!! I love it!

Maren said...

eh is spelt with an h silly. not a y. ey is like if you're a pirate man.

It's eh. Get it right dude.

Holly O. said...

Shelley, don't correct Hayley or you might be shunned. And don't leave her out. Love the new look!!!

Maren said...

I'm not afraid of her. Besides, she wouldn't permanantly shun me.

Plus, if she ever visits Canada, and spells it ey, they'll laugh at her. Then they'll apologize for laughing... I'm just trying to prevent an international fiasco here.

I'm sorrie eh Hayley. ;)

Jan said...

We want no international incidents -- I'm sorry, Hayley - -I'm with Shelley. It has to be 'eh'. That's just how it is.

Unknown said...

i'm so happy that you like it, eh! thanks for reading my blog and for the shout-out! :)

Maren said...

Any time! I'm loving my new look! :D

tara said...

Shelley the banner is GREAT! love the new colot scheme too. way to be:)

Hayley said...

holy shit people. i actually realized it was spelled wrong, as i was publishing my comment. but i was lazy. i was in a hurry. get over yourselves! eh!

Maren said...

much better. the eh! not the swearing :P