Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sick of it...

Ok, so after seeing Jan's beautiful blog, I think I want to change mine again.

I've found royalty-free type stock photos that I could use for my background, and I'm kind of thrilled with one particular artist's work, her name is Olga Telnova I seriously dig her style, but I don't know what to choose from. I don't know if I want a 100% revamp (again) or just to change this background from the orange drip blah-ness.

Let me know what you think. Click on them to see them in their true color format, the pyzam thing I have right now makes all the pictures a little see-through, and hence lighter than the actual photos really are. :)

Here are my favorites:








Wow, there's more than I thought there'd be...

Keep in mind that I can get these at full screen size.

I think the ones with the solid orange background will be harder to integrate to my existing design, the white backgrounded ones would be much easier to give this boring blog a breath of life. Comment please. Even you non-commenting readers. :) Thanks!

Vote please! I added a poll to the right! :)

New background (at least!) coming soon!


Unknown said...

i'm digging the first one but they're all super cute!

Hayley said...

ok. i like the ones with the white background, too. and - i likey the ones that mix the oranges and browns. my problem with the pyzam thingy, too is that it dulls the pictures. and - i miss my banner. but, i love the dr pepperness of it. i'm perplexed. i might change back someday, but for now i will enjoy my dr pepper background.

Maren said...

I believe you can keep your banner Hayls... Just try and upload it. :) I have Pyzam + Natalie's Banner. It works, I don't see why yours wouldn't.

Jori said...

I like #6. I really don't think you could go wrong with any of them. They are very cute.

Hayley said...

its just that my banner wouldn't really match with the background... that's my issue.

Dave said...

I like 3 and 7

Jan said...

I vote with Jori -- I really like #6. But like other have said, they're all very cute. I'm so lucky that Natie managed to get mine fixed -- I love it so much.

Holly O. said...

Cute! I voted number 2.

Maren said...

lol you guys all have such diverse taste! I'm still confused!