Every week, I've got another cut or bruise. I swear, I'm the klutziest person around! I'm worse than Teri Hatcher's character on Desperate Housewives! Its awful!
Yesterday, while I was carrying laundry from the semi-upstairs (a whopping 6 stair-steps from the basement where we live), back down so I could fold it, I completely whacked my hand against the wall and now my pointer finger knuckle on my right hand has a cut on it. :( Sadness.
It stings like a paper cut. I put one of those dumb little square Band-Aids on it last night, and I wake up to find the Band-Aid has shifted, and my cut is totally exposed, stings like the devil, and its red all over. :-s
Not fun.
So, I re-cover it, like a good little girl scout should (although I never was a girl scout... *shrug*), and cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide (I'm afraid of putting rubbing alcohol on cuts... stings way too much), and put a new little square Band-Aid over it, and hopefully I'm on the way to recovery.
Last week, I was also a doofus. I was cutting a little piece of paper, with these super sharp titanium scissors, and I guess I slipped or something, and I ended up cutting my hand! I have a cute little "V" scar there now, Its about a fourth of an inch long, on the palm of my hand, but man that hurt too! I don't do it on purpose either... I'm just a klutz.
I'm always walking into doorways, or stubbing my toe on *something*. I'm such a dork, and I just thought I'd tell the world. :)
The end.
(copied from my myspace blog... it still holds true btw... I'm still a klutz.)
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Such a klutz!
Posted by
12:21 PM
Monday, April 18, 2005
Luke Perry
Current mood: calm
Why do I keep dreaming about Luke Perry? I don't even LIKE him!
My first bizarro Luke Perry dream was maybe 8-10 months ago, in this dream he had killed someone and wanted me to be the accomplice, so he had me help burry this body... but instead of using dirt, the dumbass makes me get my sister's hand-me-down clothes (there's LOTS of them too) to burry the body with... so we're piling clothes on, and we don't get caught... till the next day, they come looking for my sister, she has NO idea what's going on, and so then they question ME, and I tell them Luke Perry made me do it. :-|
On April 8th, i woke up dreaming that Luke was trying to kill these huge spiders in the kitchen, but they were EVERYWHERE, and when you killed one, like 10 more would come out and be really mad at you! So he's getting attacked, bitten like crazy, then he falls out the kitchen window on to the roof covering the backyard patio, falls off, and dies.
Maybe I won't dream about him anymore... I doubt that though... he's supposed to still be in jail from my last dream ;) lol
Yes, i have issues, I know this.
Currently Listening : Nasty Little Thoughts By Stroke 9
Release date: By 07 September, 1999
Dudes. I think I figured out why I think Luke Perry is evil. He was in that jail show on HBO called "OZ"! He was a criminal!!! :-o
Added June 9th 2005
6/8/2007 I no longer have these dreams, thank heaven!
Posted by
11:31 AM